Albert Kahn

Albert Kahn was een bankier.
Hij woonde op het toppunt van zijn rijkdom in Parijs.
En rijk was hij.
Hij heeft een project in gang gezet om een fotoverzameling
aan te leggen met kleurenfoto’s van monumenten, mensen en landschappen
van over de hele wereld.
Zijn project speelde zich af begin 1900: zeg maar 1909 – 1931.
Ik heb een paar van de kleurenfoto’s gevonden op het web
en drie ervan laat ik hier zien.
Helaas zijn plaatsen, persoonsnamen en datums bij mij onbekend.

Een uit Nederland, een typisch Hollands echtpaar.
De foto zou zo in Volendam of Marken gemaakt kunnen zijn.

Een uit India.
Een prachtige Taj Mahal in Agra.

Een fantastische foto uit Italie.
Plaats bij mij onbekend.

Albert Kahn, Nederland.

Albert Kahn, India, Agra, Taj Mahal.

Albert Kahn, Italie.


Albert Kahn was a banker and French philanthropist. He was born Abraham Kahn at Marmoutier, Bas-Rhin, France on 3 March 1860, into a Jewish family, one of 5 children of his parents, Louis and Babette Kahn. He died at Boulogne-Billancourt, Hauts-de-Seine, France on 14 November 1940,

In 1879 Kahn became a bank clerk in Paris, but studied for a degree in the evenings. His tutor was Henri Bergson, who remained his friend all his life. He graduated in 1881 and continued to mix in intellectual circles, making friends with Auguste Rodin and Mathurin Mxc3xa9heut. In 1892 Kahn became a principal associate of the Goudchaux Bank, which was regarded as one of most important financial houses of Europe.

In 1893 Kahn acquired a large property in Boulogne-Billancourt, where he established a unique garden containing a variety of garden styles including English, Japanese, a rose garden and a conifer wood. This became a meeting place for French and European intelligentsia until the 1930s when due to the Wall Street Crash of 1929, Kahn became bankrupt. At that time the garden was turned into a public park in which Kahn would still take walks. Kahn died during the Nazi occupation of France.

In 1909 Kahn travelled with his chauffeur and photographer, Alfred Dutertre to Japan on business and returned with many photographs of the journey. This prompted him to begin a project collecting a photographic record of the entire Earth. He appointed Jean Brunhes as the project director, and sent photographers to every continent to record images of the planet using the first colour photography, autochrome plates, and early cinematography. Between 1909 and 1931 they collected 72,000 colour photographs and 183,000 meters of film. These form a unique historical record of 50 countries, known as “The Archives of the Planet”.