Argus in China


De beschrijving van het ‘Provincial Museum of Gansu’ was heel positief. ‘Provincial’ moet je ruim zien. Gansu is een enorme provincie in China. Tot mijn verrassing was er een tentoonstelling van kunst uit Gandhara. Het resultaat van een samenwerking tussen Pakistan en China. Gandhara Heritage along the Silk Road – A Pakistan-China joint exhibition. Wat een enorm geluk om die te kunnen zien!

Voor degene die niet bekend zijn met de kunst van Gandhare, hier een
vrije samenvatting van Wikipedia:

Gandhara was an ancient civilization centred in present-day north-west Pakistan and north-east Afghanistan. The core of the region of Gandhara was the Peshawar and Swat valleys.
The region was a central location for the spread of Buddhism to Central Asia and East Asia with many Chinese Buddhist pilgrims visiting the region.
Famed for its unique Gandharan style of art, the region attained its height from the 1st century to the 5th century CE under the Kushan Empire which had their capital at Peshawar.
The Greco-Buddhist art or Gandhara art is the artistic manifestation of Greco-Buddhism, a cultural combination of Ancient Greek art and Buddhism.
Beginning with Alexander the Great’s brief invasion into the area, followed by the Mauryan Emperor Ashoka converting the region to Buddhism.
Gandhara art is characterized by Buddhist subjects, sometimes adapting Greco-Roman elements, rendered in a style and forms that are heavily influenced by Greco-Roman art. It has the strong idealistic realism and sensuous description of Hellenistic art, and it is believed to have produced the first representations of Gautama Buddha in human form.


Alle voorwerpen stonden achter glas. Dat is vaak niet de gewoonte in China. Lanzhou, Provincial Museum of Gansu, Gold bowl with image of Bacchus, 1st century BC, Gandhara District, Islamabad Museum, gold.



Atlas, 2nd – 3rd century, Gandhara District, Peshawar Museum, schist.



Tritons, 1st – 3rd century, Gandhara District, Peshawar Museum, schist.



Helaas weet ik niet waar en wanneer deze Teaching Buddha is gemaakt. Hij is prachtig.



Toilet tray with banquet scene, 1st century BC, Sirkap, Taxila, National Museum of Pakistan, schist.



Female holding a spear, 3rd – 4th century, Gandhara District, Swat Museum, schist.


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Helaas was er geen catalogus van de tentoonstelling beschikbaar.
Ik ben bij meerdere souvenirshops in het museum gaan vragen.