Argus in China


The Three brothers from the clan kasyapa practiced fire worship and had a religious community of a thousand disciples. When the Buddha visited Mahakasyapa, he asked to stay in the fire chamber for the night. Mahakasyapa told the Buddha that there was a vicious naga, and it was not safe inside. The Buddha did not show any fear and insisted on staying. After entering the fire chamber, the Buddha entered dhyana, subdued the naga, and imprisoned it in his bowl. Mahakasyapa was thus convinced and xxed his disciples to convert and join the samgha. The Buddha stands on the left side of the relief, holding a bowl in his left hand, a snake coiled in the bowl with its head raised and stretch out. At the feet of the Buddha, fire worshopers are crawling on the ground, showing the legend of the “Conversion of the Vicious Naga”.


Vaste bezoekers van mijn blog weten dat als ik kunst fotografeer ik ook de toelichting bij het werk fotografeer. Maar dat gaat wel eens mis. Zoals bij dit werk waar een paar letters aan de linkerkant zijn weggevallen. Daarom heb ik de tekst overgenomen en de missende letters, daar waar ik dat kan, ingevuld. China, Lanzhou, Provincial Museum of Gansu, Conversion of the Vicious Naga, 2nd – 3rd century, Sahri Bahlol, Mardan District, Peshawar Museum, grey schist.


The present work shows Sakyamuni at his first sermon in the Deer Park in Sarnath. The figure has a seperate usnisa which is relatively dispositional, and wears a robe with the right shoulder exposed, and the folds of the garment are of carving with smooth lines. The features of the figure are well formed, with a high nose bridge, deep set eyes, and a mustache on the lips. The robustness of the body is visible and is a Gandhara statue from its heyday.


Bust of the Buddha in dharmacakra mudra.


The Miracle at Sravasti or Amitabha, 3rd – 5th century, Takht-i-Bahi, Mardan District, Peshawar Museum.


Miracle at Sravasti, 2nd – 3rd century, Sahri Bahlol, Mardan District, Peshawar Museum, schist.


King Udayana presents the Buddha image to the Buddha, 2nd – 3rd century, Sahri Bahlol, Mardan District, Peshawar Museum.